Take Action

Daily consideration of the many opportunities for growth, service and worship during our Lenten journey is an integral part of our personal discipleship. Hopefully, the “call to action” that is emailed to you daily is a helpful reminder of opportunities as well as a prompt to stop and reflect on what you see in daily events, situations and circumstances. And hopefully it also serves as a reminder to take action when you are moved to do so. Praying to see and to respond compassionately to the world in which we live moves us closer to being the people God has called us to be. Spend a few minutes as you start each day asking God to help you see and respond to those who need to experience the love, kindness, encouragement and hope the presence of Christ brings.
Tonight, Dr. Roxburgh continues the Christian Biography series as we hear about the life of theologian Jürgen Moltmann after our Fellowship Supper at 5:30 pm followed by a brief time of prayer.
Take Action