Days of Preparation, Mission and Ministry

The forty days plus the Sundays designated as Lent are days of preparation for all believers. It is a time for looking within, fine tuning our focus, to see what is in hidden within the dark recesses of our hearts and minds. The forty days comprise a period that correlates with the length of time Jesus spent in the wilderness immediately following his baptism. It was in this wilderness that Jesus was tempted to abandoned the purpose for which he came to dwell on earth and opt for a way more pleasing to his humanity. Jesus resisted the temptations and began his ministry of seeking those he came to save. In the wilderness Jesus experienced the real struggle of remaining fixed on and committed to the calling and purpose of his life on earth when he was weak, vulnerable and tempted; therefore, he understood the struggle of those to whom he ministered with compassion, love and grace.
So, living each day on our journey to Easter, and hopefully beyond, we examine our lives, and we pray for forgiveness as repentance and confession is made. And  because God is faithful and just, the weight of our sin is lifted, and we are freed from the burden that weighed heavy upon us. While that is a promise that lifts our spirits, it is  only part of the story. With a cleansed heart, an uplifted and renewed spirit, we are positioned to see all things and all people with eyes and hearts that understand the struggle of living a life that blesses others rather than being concerned only for oneself. Jesus lived his earthly life reaching out to the marginalized, the oppressed, the weak, the vulnerable, the unloved, the lonely, the exploited, the friendless, the hated, the despised, which on occasion had nothing to do with one’s means. Jesus saw the heart and the pain of those struggling, looking for that place to experience the love of God and to find rest for their souls. That is the way that Jesus loved those he encountered and how he loves even you and me. Jesus’ command to love others as we have been loved by him is an ongoing quest for me. So I pray as I meditate on this “New Command” that the Lord will soften and mold my heart and your hearts and guide us to those whom the Lord might bless through us. What a supreme privilege it is to have opportunities to share the love of God.
Praise be to God.

Days of Preparation, Mission and Ministry